
The turnout for our first public meeting was truly overwhelming! We cannot thank our attendees enough for making it to the meeting and for being interested in important county finance issues that affect each and every one of us.

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Our overwhelming turnout of more than 125 – we even had to set out more chairs as people just kept filing in!

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Our featured guests, Shanea Jones and Brian Martin, gave informative and thought-provoking presentations.

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The Q&A session was lively and gave an opportunity for people to find out more about the current financial status, as well as ask questions about how Nassau County can look toward broadening and diversifying its tax base.

If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to check out the resources page on our website – – where we’ve posted Shanea and Brian’s presentations, as well as the white paper that we distributed at the meeting.

Again, we are extremely thankful for the strong turnout at our first meeting. We hope that everyone was able to learn more about the looming fiscal crisis that the county is facing and we look forward to having similar community events in the future.